Family Domestic Violence and sexual abuse healing

My specialists focus is trauma and the complex dynamic of domestic family violence inclusive of sexual abuse and its far reaching impacts. I see the need for the safely held spaces for the deeper work to unravel the effects of trauma on the body, nervous system, emotional responses and connections to self and others. I aim to give people hope and guide them to understand and embody the post traumatic growth and resilience that also comes from trauma experiences that can be heavily over shadowed by the impacts of their abuse. Trauma mostly connects to people being harmed in the absence of protection or a safe response therefore living with Complex Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is often a lonely and isolating experience. This psychotherapy is focused on working with people who are at a stage where they feel ready to undertake their healing journey.

Some of the ways that the body holds onto trauma can be seen through feeling anxious even when in seemingly safe places, overwhelm at undertaking tasks, reducing interactions with other people and places, uncomfortable when connecting with kindness and/or love, sabotaging your goals and success, fear you will attract abuse into your life, finding distractions to avoid certain things like keeping busy, consuming alcohol frequently, drug use, intense emotions arising towards small inconveniences, avoiding talking about your feelings, feeling like there is something wrong with you/blaming everyone else for situations, unable to sit in silence, holding tension in your jaw, back and shoulders, comfort eating, disassociation/daydreaming frequently, craving connection then rejecting the connection. The way we hold trauma from our experiences shows up in unique ways to each individual no two people are the same in what they need.

Here are some the areas I can assist you within the therapeutic space:

  • Regaining trust in your own knowing

  • Understanding and processing the complex dynamics of the many forms of abuse.

  • Learning how to develop your own internal resources.

  • Regaining safer body connection after sexual abuse.

  • Re establishing self trust after betrayal

  • Tuning into your intuition

  • Understanding and changing your programming around relationships and attachment

  • Understanding what boundaries are and how to set these

  • Managing ongoing complex family dynamics

  • Understanding boundaries and how to set and maintain these in ways that feel comfortable to you.

  • Safe, compassionate space to explore and process what is being held physically and emotionally.

  • Strategies to reduce tendencies to people please (trauma responses)

  • Developing strategies to emotionally regulate

  • Finding your nervous systems preferred way of regulation.

  • Understanding projections from trauma

  • Mindfulness strategies

  • Working with and healing shame

  • Developing self compassion

  • Parts exploration