Professional Supervision

supervision provides a confidential space to support social work and welfare professionals in their day to day practice through enhancing their skills and knowledge along with encouraging reflection of their own practice AND THE VICARIOUS IMPACTS OF THis WORK.

Professional supervision provides the opportunity for reflection and processing of your professional and personal beliefs and values. Also understanding and managing the systemic impacts apon your practice and the client's you assist as well as providing a safe space for discussion of professional challenges that frequently arise.

Virtual Supervision

If supervision is not provided through your workplace or is provided inconsistently, you can be left feeling overwhelmed and not feeling grounded in your practice. Finding the time to receive face to face supervision can also be difficult and often inconvenient. Ella provides zoom and phone supervision services so that you can set the date and time best suited to you. Particularly useful option for practitioners working in remote or rural areas assisting in reducing geographical barriers.

Areas of Supervision

The areas of supervision are broad, covering many themes including:

  • Individual case discussion    

  • Domestic Family Violence and sexual abuse

  • Embedding theory into practice           

  • Ethical Issues 

  • Self-reflection                                     

  • Workplace relationship dynamics

  • Burn out                                              

  • Personal trauma/history affecting professional practice

  • Vicarious trauma                                

  • Practice support