Individual Generalist Counselling

Individual counselling is a safe, non judgemental, confidential space for you to progress on your own journey of healing and change at you own pace.

Counselling provides an environment for you to work through your experiences at your own pace. It is an exploratory process held within a container of safety in which you are the expert in your own life. These sessions invite you to develop and experience new ways of experiencing your connection to yourself, others and with the world around you.

Having worked in the field of Men’s Behaviour Change with men one on one and in groups, I strongly encourage men to attend counselling sessions as well. I provide a safe online and/or phone space to discuss and work towards healthier forms of emotional expression and connection to self and others.

The aim being to provide you with the capacity, strategies and skills to become your own source of guidance to learn to trust your own advice and choices in life. Please consider if you are ready to commit the time and exploratory practices to your own healing.