Pre-Counselling Information

Information About Counselling

Counselling is an opportunity where you have the time and space to explore issues of concern alongside a qualified and experienced counsellor. This will assist you in identifying unhelpful patterns, provide a safe space to start your healing journey, identify contributing factors like ongoing cycles, blocks to moving forwards and goals you may choose to work towards in your life.

Confidentiality & Records

What you discuss in your counselling sessions is private and confidential. As such, the counsellor requires your consent via verbal or written means to speak to a third party (e.g. your doctor, another service) about your sessions. There are only two exceptions to this: 1) if there is a risk of harm to you, a child or to someone else and 2) if a court of law subpoenas documentation.

Counsellors do keep records about your sessions which are secure in double authenticated protected computer files with only your Counsellor having access to this record.

Fees & Cancellation Policy

A consultation is charged at $160.00 per session for individuals This is payable prior to the day of the consultation. A minimum of 24 hours notice is required to cancel or reschedule an appointment. A cancellation fee of ($60) applies to cancellations of less than 24 hour notice. Payments may be made by direct bank deposit, or pay ID, you will receive a receipt after payment, sent to your email.

During Sessions

You will often cover a variety of topics or new ways of thinking in your counselling session and it is impossible to remember everything that is discussed. In order to assist you to get the most out of your counselling session and to improve therapeutic outcomes, it is suggested you bring a notepad and pen to record parts relevant for you in the session. This is for your own personal use in gaining therapy outcomes.

Crisis Management

Your counsellor will develop strategies and a plan with you to assist in the management of challenges in your life. However, this is a private counselling practice and, as such, is not equipped to offer crisis services. In case of an emergency or crisis, please contact 1800RESPECT for Domestic Family Violence and sexual abuse Support on 1800737732 24/7 support, or Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people needing support 24/7 phone 13YARN on 139276,for rainbow folks domestic family violence and sexual abuse phone 1800RESPECT or Q life:1800184527 hours 3pm-12pm, for mental health triage24/7 at your local hospital on Triage line:1300 874 243 , the police on 000 or Lifeline 24/7 on Ph: 131 114.